🧰. Use another RPC

A lot of users have had problems because of the Matic Network, its congesture certainly affects the performance in general. So we came up with a solution, you can use a series of known RPC's or you can use some RPC's that we got for the Kavian Users.

Currently Active: 1. https://speedy-nodes-nyc.moralis.io/2a387602d3882ecebf2c347d/polygon/mainnet

2. https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/e93024825d2340408faf6da3a345ec1a

In case you don't know how to set another Rpc here's a breif tutorial

  1. Double click your Metamask and click the marked button

2. Go to extended view to open it on a different tab

3. Go to settings again

4. Go to networks

5. Change the RPC to https://polygon-rpc.com and avoid leaving any space before or after the link, save and enjoy

Last updated