🧰. Bridge Funds

From ERC-20 to Matic Network via Matic Bridge. Bit expensive but all of the assets supported by Matic can be ported over. https://wallet.matic.network/bridge/

Xpollinate Bridge (From BSC / xDAI to Polygon) Assets - $DAI, $USDC & $USDT https://www.xpollinate.io/

AscendEx Exchange Asset - $Matic & $USDC (New users will have to wait for 24hr before they can withdraw) https://ascendex.com/

QuickSwap with Fiat https://quickswap.exchange/

ComethSwap with Fiat https://swap.cometh.io/

Zapper Finance https://zapper.fi/

MXC https://mxc.com

Evodefi https://evodefi.com/

Bridge Orbitchain bridge.orbitchain.io

Binance https://www.binance.com/

Last updated